
Set Realistic Goals


365 Ways To Wellbeing – 283rd Way

We painted the girls’ playroom in August. The plan was to get everything ready, put as you can guess, sometimes such projects take quite a lot of time. So now it was finally time to continue the project and add some wall stickers (which I bought already in August…).

During my life I’ve made many mistakes when setting my goals. They just haven’t been realistic enough. Often in the end of the day I’ve left with a long list of undone things and anxiety of having to do them next day. Along with the new list. And believe me – That’s the sure way of getting depressed over your inefficiency. And NOT a good thing for your wellbeing!

This day I wanted to make sure that I can reach my goals. So I only gave myself one objective (besides all the housework, cooking and taking care of the girls etc. which fill 90 % of my day anyway…). I gave myself objective to add the hedgehog and some flower stickers to the wall. Wall stickers are actually surprisingly difficult to manage with. They get curled easily, you have to be really careful not to break the corners plus you have to place them on the wall exactly right for them to look nice. Not the easiest task with small children…

When I went to bed this evening I patted myself on the back and smiled. I had got the hedgehog and the flowers on the wall! I was really happy that I hadn’t set myself unrealistic goals this time put managed to set realistic ones 😉 Reaching my tiny goal – that was the thing this day!








Read more about my “Wellbeing Challenge 2013 – 365 Ways To Wellbeing”.

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