365 ways to wellbeing – 116th way


Adapt to changes as fast as possible

When I had to stay in bed because of early contractions last July I knew that autumn would be very difficult both physically and mentally. I decided then to aim for the Spring. I would think about Spring during any hardships I may encounter. Liilia would be a little older then and I wouldn’t have to dress the girls as much. Brighter days would give me extra energy and my husband would start his summer vacation in the beginning of June.

My proficy came true. Last autumn and this winter has definitely been the most challenging period in my life. Last month has been the hardest. I’ve achieved a new level in terms of exhaustion.

At one point I even questioned my wellbeing challenge. Would it be better to just give it up? After many thoughts my conclusion was that it gives me more energy than it takes. It has really made me to look for everyday methods for positive thinking and improving my wellbeing. Methods that I wouldn’t have found or experienced without it. Furthermore I have strongly felt that going through my challenge will help me to take care of my wellbeing in a long run. It will eventually provide me a list of concrete actions and ways to take care of my wellbeing.

I want to focus on good things in life because they give so much more than dwelling on grief and sorrow. This brighter side of the coin you have seen able to see in my blog. Like always, the coin has two sides. Here’s something about the darker side of it.

Like said, the last moth has been very hard for me. It started around here. But I have managed to get energy from thinking about the spring and Summer. Until this happened…


My husband can’t walk at least for four weeks and it takes probably months before he can fully take care of our children.

How do I survive? That was my first thought when I heard about my husband ´s injury. A disappointment was BIG. I felt numb. During last month we had been through a stomach flu. Our daughters didn’t catch it fortunately but instead Unna caught a bad cough. It made me to sleep even worse. Liilia has inherited atopic skin from me and for the whole winter we’ve been trying to find a suitable lotion for her. My stomach flue made her skin worse. She began to sleep less and eat more during the nights.

Fortunately I got a little breather during my and Liilia’s Helsinki trip.

The stomach flue weakened my immune system and after returning home I caught the flue. Then Liilia started to cough. The reality was 6 hours of sleep with also waking up 6 times per night. After struggles of pregnancy and childbirth I was now taking care of the toddler and the baby while being sick and having a big sleep dept. It all made me numb, quiet and weepy.

Today was the first day I could really accept what happened. We talked about the following months and the future with my husband and thought about ways how to keep it all together. How we would survive as a family and a couple and how could I get some help for my tirednes. I forgot my thoughts about the Spring and Summer. I started to aim my thoughts towards July. The situation is what it is. There is no point for me to use my energy for worrying about my husband´s injury. Instead it´s better for me to concentrate on healing myself and the girls for good.

Genuinely adapting to the situation – it made me feel good today.

And yes, I will continue my Wellbeing Challenge. At the moment there’s nothing more important than that the mother in this family is healthy and can take care of the rest of the family. But minimal ways to wellbeing – that is what the near future will be all about.

Read more about my “Wellbeing Challenge 2013 – 365 ways to wellbeing”.

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