
Have A Sauna


365 Ways To Wellbeing – 192nd Way

As you may know, sauna is very important for us Finns. It’s a place to wash up, relax and be together with your family or friends. Earlier days, actually not that long ago, saunas were place to give labor. For example my father-in-law was born in a sauna. Nowadays that’s of course something unheard of.

There are over three million saunas in Finland, more than there are cars. So they are integral part of our culture in almost mystical level. And if there are three million saunas, it’s not a surprise that there are also saunas on boats. This day we had the opportunity to enjoy sauna on our friends’ boat in the middle of the crystal clear lake on a warm, sunny evening. Thank you family Eerikäinen for a lovely moment in your boat sauna!

I think the pictures say it all. If you have the chance – have a sauna!









Read more about my “Wellbeing Challenge 2013 – 365 ways to wellbeing”.

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