A Little Bit Of Vanity Doesn’t Do Any Harm


365 Ways To Wellbeing – 220th Way

Remember my post about making your high heel dream come true? Noticed the orange handbag? It was “Ginger Orange” by Minna Parikka. I thought back then that it would have been perfect with my Minna Parikka shoes but I decided to listen the reason and chose to leave it there on the shelf.

But I never forgot the bag. I turned 33 today. And I got mail! It was the bag I had wanted so long! My husband bought it to me for my birthday. I’m so happy! Happyhappyhappy!

I have to admit that my husbands got a little tip from me but it doesn’t matter. Moderation is a virtue but maybe a little bit of vanity doesn’t do any harm – especially if it’s great quality and you have really, really want it 😉







Read more about my “Wellbeing Challenge 2013 – 365 ways to wellbeing”.

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