Enjoy Flowers


365 Ways To Wellbeing – 45th Way

I gave my husband a cooking course for a christmas present. Along came a “family free” weekend with his friends. He had been dreaming of making better sauces so he chose a sauce cooking course.  It took place this weekend in Helsinki.

A month ago we had a similar situation when me and the girls spent the weekend at my parents’ farm. This time we did the same but we went there already a day earlier. Yes, amount of free time we both have is very biased at the moment, but there comes a time when I start to even out this imbalance.  😉

We haven`t seen the sun for weeks here in Finland. Cloudy winter weather has got me to miss colors and colorful meadows more and more. That`s why when we arrived to my parents`I immediately noticed pink tulips on the table. They looked so beautiful!

So this day it was my mom`s fresh tulips that made me feel good. It was so nice to sit down and have an afternoon coffee with homemade berrypie with my mom and my grandparents. They had also come to visit my prents`so that they could see Liilia and Unna, their great-grandchildren !

These flowers are also Valentine´s day flowers for you my dear Readers!

Happy Valentine`s day!


Read more about my “Wellbeing Challenge 2013 – 365 ways to wellbeing”.

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