From Zero To One


I´ve said it before but I say it again; life is funny.

Couple of weeks ago I wrote about self-confidence. I had just finished my post when my husband came home and gave me this Mother Magazine. He smiled and said “Here´s a little bit of confidence to you.


I smiled because I instantly knew what was going on. My very first article “From nature to plate -Children and their relationship with food” had been published!

A real-life story about me taking our children to forest to pick wild blueberries from their first year on. And how I found the motivation to do that when I noticed the positive effects on their relationship with food.

Just the kind of an article I want to write more.


Three years ago I started from zero with my photography and writing in English. After that you have given me so many lovely compliments, my dear readers. Each one of them have meant a world to me! But still I haven´t been able to really feel good about my photos and texts. It has bothered me, a lot.

Then one beautiful morning last autumn I took this photo. I woke up early, saw the swans on the lake, noticed that the light was beautiful and atmosphere on the lake magical. I took my camera, walked by the lake, took the photo, watched it and said to myself out loud; I CAN TAKE GOOD PHOTOS!

I experienced almost the same kind of a feeling when I finished this story. I´ve been much more uncertain with my writing than my photos. It was not until my husband gave me the latest Mother Magazine when I got it; I CAN write too!

Issue 68 Cover Page Cropped

There´s no words to describe how great it is to learn new things. Develop from zero to one.

So, no matter how old or bad you feel, you CAN learn new things. Any one of us can. Yes, it takes a lot of energy, daring and time but you can if you really want.

You just need to challenge yourself. And realize that there are less limitations in life that we think.

Thank you again my fellow blogger Amy! Without you recommending me to Starr, the editor of the Mother Magazine, the story about my article could have been quite different.

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