A Meaningful Walk


Last autumn I heard from VisitFinland that we might get Hecktic Travels as our guest this winter.

After those good news I started to think what kind of people Dalene and Pete Heck, a Canadian couple behind this travel blog, might be.


In December it was set that Hecktic Travels would visit us.

Back then we were also planning a new layout for SaimaaLife. We ended up having a very simple one. We were happy with the decision, but because I had not seen that kind of layouts very often I was a bit uncertain about our choice.


I surfed to Hecktic Travels website.

For my surprise I noticed that Dalene and Pete´s blog had a lot of visual similarities with our forthcoming SaimaaLife blog. Simple layout, lots of space for photos and no annoying banners. I loved it!

Visiting their blog increased my confidence about our layout decision. It also gave me a good feeling that we might have something more in common with this couple.


In the beginning of January I started to think more about their visit. I went back to their blog and read Dalene and Pete´s story about the reasons why they travel. I remember thinking that they are brave for sharing their story with the world. I know from my own experience that it’s not always the easiest thing to do if there’s some personal hardships involved.

After reading a couple of their posts there were no doubts about Dalene´s storytelling skills. They just hook you up! And the photos…well, they were just amazing!

As a person who wants to learn some storytelling and photography I was sold. I was even more eager to meet this couple. The fact that National Geographic used to be my favorite magazine during my university years and Hecktic Travels had won the National Geographic Travelers of the Year 2014 award was a cherry on the cake.


Finally in February they arrived. And yes, from the first moment on it was clear that we didn´t need to worry about awkward small talks. We were carried away by the conversations basically about everything. Fun stuff but also difficult stuff.


During Dalene and Pete´s  2-day visit we had time to have a trip to our family´s favorite place on Lake Puruvesi – the Petri island. We walked on the lake, drank some fresh lake water, tried some fishing and shot an underwater video.


Then it was time for a relaxing lunch by the campfire.

I thought how grateful I am for the chance to meet people like Dalene and Pete. People who are so genuine and down to earth.  People who don´t try to be anything else than themselves. 


It matters so much what kind of people we surround ourselves with.

Do we surround ourselves with people who bring out the best in us? Or the worst?

With people who encourage us? Or who bring us down?


Or with people who let us to be ourselves.

That kind of people we should surround ourselves with.


After our friends had left I also thought how happy I am that we created SaimaaLife´s Life in Finland product.

I can already now say that it has given us a lot!

We haven´t had many visitors but that’s just good. It’s better to have less. More quality than quantity so to speak. That you can have energy to also give something back to them.


We definitely hope to meet Dalene and Pete again some day. Before that we will follow the journey of Hecktic Travels online.

Now we´re just happy that we had a chance to walk a moment with this inspiring and warmhearted couple!


Some people seem to think alike 🙂 Check out Dalene and Pete´s post about their visit with us.

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