Working Mom’s 6 Week Health Challenge


“When your mind is ok it’s only then when your body has a chance to crash down.” That was what the doctor told me last summer. I went to see her because after overcoming my depression I’ve had different kinds of physical pains and aches and was afraid they would plunge me into another depression.

“After mentally difficult years it can take even 2-3 years to recover totally.” The doctor also said. I believe her. But I also believe that you can affect a lot to that time with your lifestyle choices.

That’s why I’m ready to test all the ways that can support my recovering from my tough years. So now it’s time for a personal trainer!

I want the active me back

I used to wonder why some people preferred the couch in the evening instead of having some exercise. Not anymore. During the past few years I’ve started to turn into that kind of a person.

  • Two pregnancies in a row,
  • working at the same time,
  • working to keep the family together,
  • working to keep my head together in the middle of everything,
  • no time nor energy to exercise properly and
  • a long depression.

Because of those reasons I, a woman who used to live a quite active life, became passive.

More passive lifestyle > Weaker muscles > More physical pains > Sweet tooth > Bad mood > More problems (in all areas of life) 

That’s me. For 6 months now I haven’t had a single day without some kind of pain in my lower back and hip. Lately also my right arm has started to show symptoms. Typical problems for us who constantly sit and work with computer.

If I don’t strengthen my muscles and start to exercise more again, my pains and aches are just going to worsen. I want to stop that process.

Working Mom's 6 Week Health Challenge before and after

I want to be a healthy working mom and entrepreneur in the future

Baby years were tough but it has been cruel to notice that life is not getting any easier after them. Challenges are just changing their shape.

To be able to live enjoyable life as a working mom you need to be in a good shape. Share on X

One of my challenges next year is going to be starting as an entrepreneur.

The future will include a lot of stress and pressure. The better shape I am in physically, the better I am in dealing with them.

Working Mom's 6 Week Health Challenge personal trainer Kersten Kimura

Urban Jane helps me to get back in shape again

This autumn I got to know NASM certified personal trainer Kersten Kimura and her company Urban Jane. Kersten trains her clients mostly outside and prefers training with only your own bodyweight.

I read some of her blog posts and fell in love with Kersten’s open and honest way to tell about her personal life challenges and ways to better fitness and natural wellbeing. I had found my kind of a trainer!

Besided one-on-one personal training Kersten also does online personal training if face-to-face isn’t possible. She can train her clients in English or Finnish. So this is your chance to see how it works in reality when the trainer is in US and trainee in Finland!

Kersten has made me a 6 week outdoor training program that suits for working mom’s needs and life situation.

In my case the goal is not to lose weight or go to extremes, but to strengthen me physically so that I could stay healthy both mentally and physically.

Working Mom's 6 Week Health Challenge ups and downs

Follow my training on Facebook

I will take my training to Facebook so that all of you could see how I train physically and mentally and how my diet looks like.

Empowered by my new challenge I have even put up my first Facebook contest for you.

Go to to participate!

Working Mom's 6 Week Health Challenge Facebook Contest

Let my 6 week challenge begin!

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