Recipe For Heart-Healthy Almond Latte (+Tip How To Turn It Into Vanilla Dessert)


Days are getting chillier and darker up here in the North. It easily makes you (or me at least!) to want something sweet.

Over the years I’ve learned to tame my sweet tooth in different ways. But this time of the year it is the hardest thing to do. That’s why I was so happy when I found this delicious recipe for heart-healthy almond latte. It’s tested by me, my husband, parents and friends. All liked it so now it’s time to share it with you too!

recipe-for-heart-healthy-almond-latteThis simple homemade latte not only takes my sweet tooth away, but also includes a lot of good fats that are good for your health and wellbeing.


Here’s more detailed article about the health benefits of almonds.

This is what you need for this health-promoting latte for 2 person:

  • 4 dl cold coffee
  • 1 dl almonds
  • 1/2 tsp pure vanilla powder
  • 1 tsp – 1 tbsp maple syrup / mild-flavored honey
  • Little bit of salt
  • Ice cubes

recipe-for-heart-healthy-almond-latte-3And this is how you do it:

recipe-for-heart-healthy-almond-latte-41. Soak almonds in water overnight.

recipe-for-heart-healthy-almond-latte-52. Make coffee and cool it off in the fridge (or in the freezer if you want it to be ready faster).

recipe-for-heart-healthy-almond-latte-63. Rinse and drain almonds.

recipe-for-heart-healthy-almond-latte-74. Mix coffee, almonds, vanilla powder, maple syrup and salt in a blender for few minutes. In the end, throw in ice cubes and blend a little more.

recipe-for-heart-healthy-almond-latte-85. Strain your latte into glasses.

I actually don’t do this anymore because almond leftovers don’t bother me at all. Plus that way I can get all the vitamins.


6. Enjoy your heart-healthy almond latte with a good conscience.

Have some more almonds with it. If you want to maximize the health benefits, eat whole almonds (with skins). Skins provide the most heart-healthy benefits.

If you want, you can leave ice cubes out and warm your latte a little after it’s ready. Usually I want my latte to be warm but I think this is better served cold.


Because I love ice-cream I’ve also developed this recipe a bit…

Serve vanilla ice-cream with almond latte and your drink turns into luxurious dessert! Share on X

I can tell you, that combination really works!

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