A visit to Savonlinna`s market place is one of our family`s summer tradition. The market place is not actually far from our home. However, because we live the summer in a boat and are not much in our home town during the summer, it is usually only once in a summer when we visit the market place. Maybe the next summer is different – because of the baby we may live the whole summer in our “town home” instead of our “boat home”.

Our morning started by feeding some ducks

At noon after the breakfast and our “slow Sunday morning” we headed to the market place. The same day we also visited NowHere Finland Design Shop that I told you about in my previous post – that`s why I have same clothes on again 😉

First we did some shopping. Henri was looking for a wedding gift for our German friends.

“Kuksa” is a type of drinking cup made from carved wood. These kind of cups were our choice – I hope our friends like them!

Henri bought also a mushroom basket for himself. Unna was chilling out as usual!

My plan is to decorate our balcony next summer. I like flower baskets made out of willow so I was already checking them out.

After shopping it was time for a late lunch

Our choice was fried vendace. It is definitely one thing you must taste if you ever visit in my home town!
Almost all restaurants in Savonlinna serve fried vendace. This time we visited Kalastajan Koju.

We met many friends and also relatives during our visit at the market place

Soft ice cream for a dessert, yum!
By the way I also found something for myself from the market place. I`ll show you next time what I found!