The morning was rainy. I checked the weather forecast; it would rain the whole day and also the next day. I thought a while and decided that this would be a perfect time for a strawberry project! We left the boat, went to buy strawberries and drove to grandma`s place to freeze them for the next winter.
As usual, strawberry project starts our “preserving season”. Then we are like squirrels who start to preserve different kind of food from the nature to survive over the long and cold winter. Blueberries were already starting to ripen, so it was a good time to get strawberries into the freezer before the blueberry season.

Strawberry season is very short. It gets even shorter if it rains a lot because they start to grow moldy quicly.

This summer I decided to freeze 30 kg for our family

Unna and Unna`s cousin helped to freeze the strawberries. My mom had another project at the same time. I`ll tell you the recipe tomorrow.

I froze strawberries in three different kind of form; as a whole, mashed and in slices.

Alone it would have taken two days for me to freeze all the strawberries. Now, thanks to my little helpers, the work was done in a day.

Sugar helps strawberries to preserve in a freezer

Almost ready…

I enjoy this moment so much! Everything is ready and it`s time to take the berries to the freezer.

Day`s work done. It’s an evening snack time; strawberries (surprise, surprise!), fresh karelian pies with butter, smoked vendace and smoked pike. It`s good to sleep with a full stomach!